Simon Denison-Smith

Simon Denison-Smith Simon is one of the two investment managers for the SF Metropolis Valuefund, which was seeded by the media business, Metropolis International, a company which he and Jonathan Mills founded in 1994. The SF Metropolis Valuefund invests long-only in a concentrated portfolio of undervalued equities, drawing extensively from the valuation and due diligence disciplines developed from the experience of over 20 private company buy outs in the media business. Prior to founding Metropolis International, Simon was a strategy consultant with Bain & Co. He also founded Rave Technologies, a software business that services clients across a wide range of industries. Simon sold this business to Northgate IS PLC in 2006, delivering a 32% per annum return to Rave’s principal investor. Simon graduated from Bristol University with a Bsc in Economics.

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