Christoph Hilfiker
LLB Asset Management, Liechtenstein

Christoph Hilfiker Christoph Hilfiker, born 1970 in Basle/Switzerland, is serving as a senior fund manager with LLB Asset Management AG (ASM) in Vaduz/Principality of Liechtenstein. He's responsible for the research and the equity management of the Asia Pacific region and is running the investment fund LLB Aktien Pazifik (JPY). Prior to joining LLB Asset Management AG, he was leading the European equity management at Münchner Kapitalanlage AG/Munich.
He's the author of articles in several magazines like fundresearch, The Smart Investor, The European Value Investor, TIAM and €uro. Christoph studied business law at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and completed his education with an MBA at the European Business School (ebs). He earned his CFA qualification in 2006. From 1994 until 1998, Christoph was serving as a captain in the Swiss Air Force.

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