Prof. Max Otte

Prof. Max Otte Professor Max Otte, Ph.D., received his doctorate degree from Princeton University. 2003, he founded IFVE GmbH, an independent advisory firm that offers financial information services and portfolio advice to private clients, and also advises four investment vehicles of which two are for the general public.
Prof. Dr. Max Otte established his reputation as a full professor for General and International Business Studies (C-3) in 2001 at the International Business and Foreign Trade program at the University of Applied Sciences Worms.
From 2011-2016 he was University Professor for Quantitative and Qualitative Business Management at the 'Institut für Unternehmensführung und Entrepreneurship' at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz. He is now on long-term leave to focus on asset management.
Max Ottes book “Der Crash kommt” in which he predicted a financial tsunami caused by the U.S. subprime sector, in 2006, has become a bestseller. He is the founder and Director of the non-profit organization Zentrum für Value Investing e.V., an association of independent and value-oriented funds managers and investors.

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